Delay in IP availability for Subject treatment

Delay in IP availability for Subject treatment

Type of indicator Risk
Risk Category IMP supply chain
Golden KRI No
Therapeutic Area General
IF Risk-Event The investigational product is not available during resupply
DUE TO Risk Causes Production, customs, expiry, late ordering or other supply issues
THEN Risk Impact MAY RESULT Shortage of IP for treatment leading to enrollment delays and/or inability to follow protocol requirements for enrolled participants leading to a high rate of participant drop outs.
Risk Indicator Delay in IP availability for resupply
Metric Number of days between planned IP availability for a Subject(s) and actual availability for resupply
Unit Days
What level should be measured Patient,Site,Country
Purpose Without IP on site, sites cannot continue the process of participant recruitment which may delay the overall study timelines. And they may not be able to provide IP to enrolled participants with potential impact on participant safety and well-being and withdrawal rates.
Description This KRI monitors delays in providing Investigational Product (IP) to subjects for their scheduled treatment, ensuring timely access for optimal study outcomes.
Formula Delta between expected date when the IP should be available for Subject treatment and Actual date of the IP availability.
Suggested Thresholds - High >5 Days
Suggested Thresholds - Medium >2 Days
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