High Percentage of Medical Device interface performance Issues

High Percentage of Medical Device interface performance Issues (kri)
Type of indicator Performance
Risk Category Data collection
Golden KRI No
Therapeutic Area Medical Devices
IF Risk-Event The interface between the Medical Device and any other system does not work
DUE TO Risk Causes Insufficient testing of the interface or other cause
THEN Risk Impact MAY RESULT Out of sync data.
Risk Indicator High Percentage of Medical Device interface performance Issues
Metric Percent of the interface malfunction.
Unit %
What level should be measured Study, Country, Site
Purpose Optimize the accuracy and reliability of information, ensuring high-quality diagnoses and effective Subject management.
Description Monitors the occurrence of issues in the data synchronizations.
Formula Divide a number of synchronizations with min 1 error by total number of synchronizations
Suggested Thresholds - High ≥5 %
Suggested Thresholds - Medium ≥3 %
Associated Metric 1 Number of synchronizations
Associated Metric 2 Number of synchronizations with min 1 error
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