High Percentage of Ejection Fraction is lower 40% (can be modified)

High Percentage of Ejection Fraction is lower 40% (can be modified) (kri)
Type of indicator Risk
Risk Category Safety
Golden KRI No
Therapeutic Area Cardiovascular
IF Risk-Event the ejection fraction decreases below 40% (can be modified)
DUE TO Risk Causes ineffective treatment regimen
THEN Risk Impact MAY RESULT jeopardy of the Subject safety
Risk Indicator High Percentage of Ejection Fraction is lower 40% (can be modified)
Metric Percent of Ejection Fraction is lower 40% (can be modified)
Unit %
What level should be measured Study, Country, Site.
Purpose Improve Subject care and outcomes by identifying individuals with a high percentage of ejection fractions below 40%, enabling timely intervention, and optimizing cardiac function.
Description KRI monitors the proportion of individuals with an ejection fraction below the threshold of 40% in cardiac assessments, enabling early detection and intervention for potential cardiac dysfunction.
Formula Divide a number of Subjects with Ejection Fraction below 40% by a number of Subjects with Ejection Fraction measurements, multiply by 100%.
Suggested Thresholds - High >2 %
Suggested Thresholds - Medium >1 %
Associated Metric 1 Number of enrolled Subjects
Associated Metric 2 Number of Subjects with Ejection Fraction measurements
Associated Metric 3 Number of Subjects with Ejection Fraction below 40%
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