High Percentage of Unverified Queries

High Percentage of Unverified Queries Table

High Percentage of Unverified Queries (kri)

Type of indicator Performance
Risk Category data collection procedures
Golden KRI YES
Therapeutic Area General
IF Risk-Event the monitors do not confirm the responses to Queries in time
DUE TO Risk Causes lack of resources or other reasons
THEN Risk Impact MAY RESULT a delay in database lock and the study completion
Risk Indicator High Percentage of Unverified Queries
Metric Percent of unverified Queries
Unit %
What level should be measured Study/Country/Site
Purpose To measure a sponsor/CRO performance. Provides an insight into whether queries are open because they have not been responded to by sites or because they have not been closed by the sponsor/CRO.
Description KRI monitors the proportion of queries that have not yet been closed out of those that have been responded to by a site(s)
Formula Divide a number of responded but not closed queries by a number of replied queries for the same date and multiply by 100%.
Suggested Thresholds - High >20 %
Suggested Thresholds - Medium >10 %
Associated Metric 1 Number of responded queries (only answered but not confirmed yet)
Associated Metric 2 Number of Manual Queries
Associated Metric 3 Number of Automatic Queries
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